Who We Are?
We are a cross-functional youth team, inspired by the mighty artificial intelligence, focusing on social media solutions, willing to automate external communications, personalizing customer journey interactions, enhance the user experience, and create a limitless selection and opportunity to spend spare time productively, while providing the most efficient data science tools.
What We Do?
We simply provide our clients with custom apps to control their way of interaction with their customers, whether its on their own websites, mobile apps, or over social platforms.

Deep Learning AI
Train complex conversational user expressions using chat examples with ability to improve the effectiveness and customer experience.

Bot Builder
Bot builder tool enables the admin to create a new Chatbot flow without the need of developers “Zero Coding”!

Agent Handover
Simultaneously handle a conversation between a bot and a live agent for complex cases where a bot handles automated responses and easily pass control of the conversation to an agent seamlessly.

Our Products

Engage More, Serve More & Sell More
We Can’t Wait to Help You!!
Contact Us
Our Address
Saudi Arabia, Riyadh
9 2000 9170